국제 학술 세미나
언론정보학 해외저명학자 초청 특강: 2/1 (수) Itai Himelboim: Understanding Social Media Conversations via Clusters in Social Network
● 일시: 2월 1일 (수) 9:30 – 11:00
● 접속 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/91836678046
● 발표자: Itai Himelboim (University of Georgia)
● 주제: Understanding Social Media Conversations via Clusters in Social Network
● 초록: Dr. Himelboim has developed and implemented a novel conceptual and methodological approach - the network cluster approach - which emphasizes the homophilic echo-chambers that users form as they freely interact withe another. After a short introduction to social network analysis, he will present his unique approach to social media research, with findings from a range of studies, including social media influencers and brand communities, misinformation flow, health and political communication. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of practical, theoretical and methodological contributions.
● 연사 소개: Itai Himelboim is an associate professor of advertising, Thomas C. Dowden Professor of Media Analytics and the Founder and Director of the SEE Suite, Social media Engagement & Evaluation lab, at the University of Georgia. His research interests include computational approaches to social media analytics and network analysis of large social media data, with focus advertising, politics and health. In his research, Dr. Himelboim examines the network structures that emerge when users exchange information Twitter and other social media spaces, patterns of information diffusion, the emergence of network clusters as information echo chambers, key information sources, as well as identifying key users and content that bridges information siloes.
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