국제 학술 세미나
언론정보학 해외석학 콜로키움: 9/23 (금) Joseph B. Walther: The Things We Do for Love: Online Hate in Social Media
● 일시: 9월 23일 (금) 오전 9:30 – 11:00
● 접속 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/92631975018
● 발표자: Joseph B. Walther (UC Santa Barbara)
● 주제: The Things We Do for Love: Online Hate in Social Media
● 초록: Previous research intoline hate-- racist, religious, anti-immigrant, misogynistic, gender-related, and similar attacks --assumes that it is intended to harm its targets. A new theory ofline hate argues that it is motivated and rewarded by social approval in emergentline relationships. The theory propels three major assertions. First, hate messages are developed to garner admiration and affection through social media’s unique affordances. Second,line hate is socially organized. Third, obtaining social approval and praise intensifies haters’ prejudicial attitudes the more social reinforcement they receive. We will examine anecdotal and empirical research that supports these assertions.
● 연사 소개: Joseph B. Walther holds the Bertelsen Presidential Chair in Technology and Society at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he is a Distinguished Professor of Communication, and Director of the Center for Information Technology and Society. A Fulbright Scholar, Fellow of the International Communication Association, and Distinguished Scholar in the National Communication Association, his research focuses the impact of interpersonal and intergroup dynamics in the attitudes and behaviors people develop via mediated interaction, in personal relationships, groups, and inter-ethnic conflict.