연구 지원 논문

The Third and First Person Perceptions among Children in Response to Fast-Food Messages : Some Moderators and Mediators (정세훈,황유


정세훈 · 황유리(2010). The Third and First Person Perceptions among Children in Response to Fast-Food Messages : Some Moderators and Mediators. 한국광고홍보학보, 12권 2호, 7-34.

* 초록

To further understand the third person effect, this research examined the moderating role of behavioral experiences (heavy consumer vs. light consumer) and the mediating role of perceived message quality, perceived desirability, and perceived desirability of influence. In
response to pro‐fast‐food messages, light fast‐food consumers were more likely than heavy fast‐food consumers to engage in the third person perception. This was mediated by perceived desirability of influence rather than perceptions about the message. In addition,

Study 2 found that the third person perception led to negative fast‐food consumption attitudes and behavioral intentions. 

K E Y W O R D S  third person perception • advertising • children• prior behavior • desirability • message quality • defensiveness