언론정보학 포럼

187회 언론정보학 포럼: Noah Isenberg 교수

일시 2023.10.05


● 주제: A Roving Reporter, a Tale of Two Cities, and the Making of Billy Wilder

● 발표자: Noah Isenberg 교수 (Univeristy of Texas at Austin)

● 시간 및 장소: 10월 5일 (목) 10:00 ~ 12:00, IBK커뮤니케이션센터 64동 304호

● 초록: Long before the award-winning Hollywood screenwriter and director Billy Wilder spelled his first name with a y, in faithful adherence to the ways of his adopted homeland, he was known—and widely published, in Berlin and Vienna—as Billie Wilder. At birth, June 22, 1906, in a small Galician town called Sucha, less than thirty miles southwest of Kraków, he was given the name Samuel in memory of his maternal grandfather. His mother, Eugenia, however, preferred the name Billie. She had already taken to calling her first son, Wilhelm, two years Billie’s senior, Willie. As a young girl, Eugenia had crossed the Atlantic and lived in New York City for several years with a jeweler uncle in his Madison Avenue apartment. At some point during that formative stay, she caught a performance of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West touring show, and her affection for the exotic name stuck, even without the y, as did her intense, infectious love for all things American. “Billie was her American boy,” insists Ed Sikov in On Sunset Boulevard, his definitive biography of the internationally acclaimed writer-director.

● 연사 소개: Noah Isenberg is the Charles Sapp Centennial Professor of Radio-Television-Film and Associate Dean for Professional Programs at the University of Texas at Austin. He serves as the Executive Director of the university’s internship-based, study-away programs in Los Angeles (UTLA) and New York City (UTNY). The author, most recently, of We’ll Always Have ‘Casablanca’: The Life, Legend, and Afterlife of Hollywood’s Most Beloved Movie (W.W. Norton, 2017), a Los Angeles Times bestseller, his anthology, Billy Wilder Assignment, is now out in paperback from Princeton University Press.