언론정보학 포럼

186회 언론정보학 포럼: 김진우 교수

일시 2023.09.22


○주제: Evidence Can Change Partisan Minds: Rethinking the Bounds of Resistance to Political Persuasion

○ 발표자김진우 교수 (국민대학교 미디어 광고학부)

 시간 및 장소: 9 22 (금) 12:30 ~ 14:00, IBK커뮤니케이션센터 64동 501호

 초록: A large literature indicates that partisan motivated reasoning triggers resistance to political persuasion. But recent scholarship has challenged this view, suggesting that people don't always resist uncongenial information, and even when they do, it is not clear why. In this talk, I will present several studies that examine when and why partisans selectively dismiss uncongenial information. I found that partisans generally show roughly equal openness to both congenial and uncongenial information, a pattern that held for both Republicans and Democrats, for various contentious issues such as Obamacare, climate change, and sexual harassment, and in both experimental and quasi-experimental settings. But when randomly induced to feel adversarial towards the other side, partisans became more dismissive of uncongenial information and ultimately disagreed more, rather than less, after considering the same information. These results (1) establish the bounds of resistance to political persuasion; (2) identify partisan motivated reasoning more clearly than previous studies; (3) underscore the importance of the quality of elite-level political discourse in determining the quality of citizen-level opinion formation. 

 연사 소개: Jin Woo Kim is an assistant professor at the School of Media and Advertising at Kookmin University. He received his Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses how people are affected by political (mis)information and how new media technologies shape politics. He draws surveys, experiments, social media text data, and large-scale administrative data to answer his research questions. Kim's work has appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Communication, Political Behavior, and the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. Kim has received the 2022 Kaid-Sanders Best Political Communication Article of the Year Award from the International Communication Association, the 2022 Best Article in Political Behavior Award from the American Political Science Association, and the 2021 Integrity Foundational Research Grant Misinformation and Polarization from Facebook.