언론정보학 포럼

182회 언론정보학 포럼: 소지연 교수

일시 2023.04.11

○ 주제: Message fatigue: What is it? What does it do? How can we overcome it?

○ 발표자소지연 교수 (연세대학교 언론홍보영상학부)

○ ZOOM을 통한 접속 링크https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/<wbr />j/5704720536 - 회의 ID: 570 472 0536 / 암호: 6475

 시간 및 장소: 4 11 (화) 10:00 ~ 11:30, IBK커뮤니케이션센터 64동 501

 초록: In our message-saturated society, it is more the rule than exception to repeatedly encounter similar messages advocating for the same cause (e.g., COVID-19 prevention messages). Referred to as message fatigue (So et al., 2017), the phenomenon of feeling tired of receiving similar messages has become increasingly prevalent, particularly in the health message domain. In this talk, I will explicate the construct of message fatigue in terms of both conceptualization and operationalization and present a series of empirical studies demonstrating its effects message processing and persuasive outcomes. Building to this discussion, I will offer several ways through which the counterproductive effects of message fatigue may be reduced. The talk will conclude by presenting how research message fatigue contributes to a holistic understanding of the dynamic relationship between positive and negative message repetition effects.

 연사 소개: Jiyeon So (Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Yonsei University. Her research focuses health communication and persuasion, more generally, with a special interest in emotional appeals, narrative persuasion, information seeking, and unintended message effects. Her work has appeared in top tier communication journals including Communication TheoryHuman Communication ResearchCommunication Research, and Communication Monographs and specialized journals such as Journal of Health Communication, and Health Communication.