언론정보학 포럼
179회 언론정보학 포럼: 임하진 교수

○ 주제: Designing to Support Cross-lingual Communication using AI
○ 발표자: 임하진 교수 (서울대학교 언론정보학과)
○ ZOOM을 통한 접속 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/5704720536
- 회의 ID: 570 472 0536 / 암호: 6475
○ 시간 및 장소: 5월 24일 (화) 13:00 ~ 14:30, IBK커뮤니케이션센터 64동 501호
○ 초록: Advances in machine translation (MT) and computer-mediated communication (CMC) allow people to collaborate common problems and to communicate across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Communicating with linguistically different others is, however, still challenging due to the imperfect quality of MT and a lack of cultural knowledge about other cultures. Through my research, I have explored design solutions that could help bridge knowledge gaps and mitigate misunderstandings in cross-lingual communication. In particular, I incorporate AI components such as natural language processing (NLP) techniques to improve cross-lingualline communication. These include 1) the SenseTrans-a social media support tool to better understand foreign language posts and 2) the Politeness Estimator-email tool to mitigate cross-lingual misunderstandings. In this talk, I will present the design and evaluation process for these tools and discuss the broader implications to augment human communication using AI.
○ 연사 소개: Hajin Lim is an endowed assistant professor in the department of Communication at Seoul National University. Prior to SNU, she worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Computer Sciences at University of Wisconsin-Madison. She received her Ph.D. in Information Science from Cornell University. Her research interests lie in human-computer interaction, computer-supported collaborative work, human-AI interaction, and multilingual communication. Her main research focus is to design and build novel communication support tools that can foster inclusive and understandingline communication environments. Her design approach involves incorporating AI-based analytics into online communication contexts to leverage people’s communication competence and understandings of others.