언론정보학 포럼

178회 언론정보학포럼: 이상준 교수

일시 2021.12.21

 주제San Francisco, Honolulu, and New York: Discovering New Cinema and the Birth of Korean Cinema Studies in the US

 연사이상준 교수 (난양공대)

ZOOM을 통한 접속 링크https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/5704720536
○ 시간: 12 21 () 13:00 ~ 14:30

○ 초록: South Korean cinema has entered a new era with the success of Parasite (2020) and Youn Yuh-jung's historic win at the Oscars. Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV, and other streaming platform giants have actively purchased, co-produced, and produced South Korean films and TV dramas as the global pandemic has forced people to stay in their living rooms. South Korea is likely thely country outside of the United States to have captured the hearts and minds of the globe through pop music, TV dramas, and film. Instead of celebrating South Korean cinema's recent global triumph, this presentation will look at the past. I'll discuss three stages of academic interest in Korean cinema in English-language academia that have affected the field's history by situating South Korean cinema in the trajectories of Asian cinema reception in the US film market and academia. The first is associated with a new cinema known as "the Korean New Wave," which emerged in the same way that the "Hong Kong New Wave" of the late 1970s and the "New Taiwan Cinema" of the mid-1980s were labeled by Western critics, journalists, and scholars. With the emergence of the first generation of Korean cinema researchers, the second phase began. The third and current phase opened with two notable changes. The first is the rise of scholars of South Korean cinema outside the discipline of cinema studies. Second, a wave of South Korea–born graduate students have entered US/UK academic institutions.

○ 연사 소개: Sangjoon Lee is an Associate Professor in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University. Lee is the author of Cinema and the Cultural Cold War: US Diplomacy and the Origins of the Asian Cinema Network (Cornell University Press, 2020), the editor of Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media (University of Michigan Press, 2015) and Rediscovering Korean Cinema (University of Michigan Press, 2019), and the guest editor of “Reorienting Asian Cinema in the Age of the Chinese Film Market (Screen, 2019), “The Chinese Film Industry: Emerging Debates” (Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 2019), and “Transmedia and Asian Cinema” (Asian Cinema, 2020). Lee is currently writing a new monograph Destination Hong Kong: South Korea’s Encounter with Sinophone Cinemas (Amsterdam University Press) and editing and co-editing three books - Asian Cinema and the Cultural Cold War (Amsterdam University Press, 2022), The South Korean Film Industry (University of Michigan Press), and Routledge Companion to Asian Cinema.