국제 학술 세미나
언론정보학 해외석학 콜로키움: 5/28(화) Graeme Gilloch: The Photographic Imagination: Reflections on Chris Marker's La Jetée(1962)

제17회 해외석학 콜로키움
- 일시:5월 28일 (화) 14:00-16:30
- 장소: 서울대학교 64동 (IBK 커뮤니케이션센터) 501호
- 강연자: Graeme Gilloch (Lancaster University)
- 제목: The Photographic Imagination: Reflections on Chris Marker's La Jetée(1962)
- 내용: This paper considers Chris Marker’s classic 1962 film / photo-romanLa Jetée in terms of a constellation of concepts and motifs drawn from the writings on photography of Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes and Siegfried Kracauer. My focus is on a number of key aspects of Marker's extraordinary work: the interlacing of memory, history and photography; the inventorying of a disenchanted Nature, as nature morte; the idea of haunting (by ghosts from both past and future); the 'thrown-ness' of figures, images and gazes (the gesture of 'voila'!) and, the moment of awakening. In tracing such themes, I suggest that Marker's film appears as a meta-work: a photo-roman which itself encompasses and expresses the very noeme, the essence, of photography itself.