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언론정보학 해외저명학자 초청 특강: 4/25 (화) <Natascha Just: The challenges of non-price competition and non-monetary means of exchange in I

일자 2023.04.25


● 일시: 4월 25일 (화) 12:30 – 14:00

● 장소: 서울대학교 64동 (IBK커뮤니케이션센터) 501호

● 강연자: Natascha Just (University of Zurich)

● 주제: The challenges of non-price competition and non-monetary means of exchange in Internet platform markets

● 초록: Competition law is increasingly considered the suitable instrument to stand up to market dominant Internet platforms. However, this is condition that it is modernized to conform to new market realities. Especially Internet platforms' mode of operation and big-data-based business models are calling into question the traditional practices of enforcing it. At the heart of the debate is the question of whether current competition law is appropriate for these markets, and whether or where reforms are needed. This talk focuses two areas that have thus far been accorded a very low profile in research and communications governance and thus require urgent attention: Non-price competition and non-monetary means of exchange. She explains why research into these aspects is of central importance and discusses the theoretical, methodological, and practical hurdles involved in their adequate consideration.

● 연사 소개: Natascha Just is a Professor of Communication and Chair of the Media and Internet Governance Division at the Department of Communication and Media Research of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. She is currently visiting the Department of Communication, Seoul National University. Her current research centers media policy and Internet governance, among other things, market power control, changing governance structures, algorithms the Internet, and social-media regulation.