국제 학술 세미나

언론정보학 해외저명학자 초청 특강: 4/13 (목) YoungJu Shin: Adolescent Substance Use Prevention in Multicultural Communities

일자 2023.04.13


● 일시: 4월 13일 (목) 12:30 – 14:00

● 장소: 서울대학교 64동 (IBK커뮤니케이션센터) 501호

● 강연자: YoungJu Shin (Arizona State University)

● 주제: Adolescent Substance Use Prevention in Multicultural Communities

● 초록: Substance use is a major health concern in the United States; yet, causes of substance use behavior are preventable. Although much attention has been given to adult populations in the existing research, less is known about the voice of children, who are considered as the under-studied population in prevention research. In this presentation, I will present socialization processes of adolescent substance use prevention from various perspectives: in relation to family communication, peer-communication, and community-based interventions. Guided by primary socialization theory, family communication patterns theory, parent-offspring drug talk styles, narrative engagement theory, and social interface model, a series of studies will be presented how parents, peers, and teachers serve as an anti-substance-use prevention agent for adolescents.

● 연사 소개: Dr. YoungJu Shin (PhD, The Pennsylvania State University) is an Associate Professor of Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University. She has been dedicated to extending the scope of health communication and prevention intervention with the focus of culture. She has been involved in several grant projects serving as co-investigator funded by Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, Indiana State Department of Health, and US Department of State. Dr. Shin was also invited to serve as a consultant for the NIH funded grant project feasibility of a mobile parent-based intervention to reduce alcohol use by high school seniors and was competitively selected for the US. -Korea Next Generation Scholar Program (2018-2019) co-sponsored by Center for Strategic and International Studies, University of Southern California's Korean Studies Institute, and Korea Foundation. She recently served as a guest editor for Asian Journal of Communication and is currently serving as Vice President of Korean American Communication Association.