국제 학술 세미나
언론정보학 해외저명학자 초청 특강: 8/9 (화) Brandon Van Der Heide: Breaking the Fifth Wall: Exploring the Computer-Mediated Communication a
● 일시: 8월 9일 (화) 오전 9:30 – 11:00
● 접속 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/97075776941
● 발표자: Brandon Van Der Heide (Michigan State University)
● 주제: Breaking the Fifth Wall: Exploring the Computer-Mediated Communication at the Nexus of Mediated and Interpersonal Communication
● 초록: For almost as long as Mass Mediated Communication and Interpersonal Communication have been largely divergent streams of research, a small cadre of scholars have advocated the exploration of mass communication and interpersonal communication together. This talk will briefly trace that history and will discuss some new theoretical guidance that may help to advance several streams of research in this vein. Finally, this talk will present some original empirical research that is a model for how such work at the nexus of mass and interpersonal communication might be conducted in the future and presents an example case of the new types of questions such thinking might encourage researchers to consider.
● 연사 소개: Brandon Van Der Heide (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is a teacher and researcher working at the intersection of the domains of computer-mediated communication and interpersonal communication. Dr. Van Der Heide’s recent work explores the ways that computer-mediated communication serves as a bridge to help link the often-divergent research streams of interpersonal communication and mass mediated communication.
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