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언론정보학 해외저명학자 초청 특강: 5/20 (금) <Chang-Dae Ham: Exploring How Consumers Cope with Hidden Persuasion in Digital: Role of Data, A

일자 2022.05.20

● 일시: 5월 20일 (금) 오전 9:30 – 11:00

● 접속 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/81618765612

● 발표자: Chang-Dae Ham 교수(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

● 주제:  Exploring How Consumers Cope with Hidden Persuasion in Digital: Role of Data, Algorithm, and Human (vs. Artificial) Intelligence

● 초록: Dr. Ham will present how consumers proactively cope with hidden persuasion that utilizes current digital technologies includingline behavioral tracking, algorithmic advertising, and artificial intelligence, particularly focusing the role of persuasion knowledge, as a human intelligence, in the process of coping mechanism. He proposes that contemporary advertising is a particular type of persuasion game between machine and human wherein human intelligence plays a inferential game with artificial intelligence. With some conceptual propositions and empirical evidence, his talk will bring a new insight to see how persuasion works in digital.

● 연사 소개: Dr. Chang-Dae Ham (Ph.D., University of Missouri) is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) at the Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research program focuses how consumers proactively cope with, and steel themselves against, hidden persuasion tactics such as advergame,line behavioral advertising,line video advertising, social media native advertising, and algorithmic advertising. He has been particularly interested in consumers’ psychological coping mechanism with persuasion attempts from the perspective of persuasion knowledge, marketplace metacognition, and asocial intelligence. His research has been recognized as best papers at multiple peer-review journals and numerous academic conferences. He is currently serving as a chair of Research Committee in American Academy of Advertising, and associate editors in the International Journal of Advertising and Asian Journal of Communication. Formerly, he served as a faculty senator and a member of executive committee at Graduate College at his institute, as well as Vice President in Korean American Communication Association.

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