국제 학술 세미나

국제학술대회 < Many Faces of Health Communication >

일자 16.03.18

□ 일시 / 장소 : 2016. 3.18/ IBK 커뮤니케이션센터 201호 
□ 주최 : 서울대학교 언론정보연구소, ICT 정책연구센터 

□ 발표

Thomas Hove (Hanyang University, Korea) (사진) 

  - How Can Health Communicators Deal with Cross-Cultural Value Conflict

Shirley Ho (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) 

  - Presumed Media Influence, Social News, and Adolescents’ Drinking Behavior: A Case of Rural Thailand

Iccha Basnyat (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

  - Structural Violence in Health Care: Lived Experience of Street-based Female Sex Workers in Katmandu

Hye-Jin Paek (Hanyang University, Korea)

  - Roles of Fear-Arousing Media in the Public Responses to Health Risk Issues

Hee Sun Park (Korea University, Korea) (사진) 

  - Temporal Distance and Behavioral Intentions Critical to Organ Donation 

Minsun Shim (Inha University, Korea)

 - Interplay of Threat, Efficacy, and Uncertainty in Cancer News Coverage: Analysis of News Content and Effects in South Korea