국제 학술 세미나

서울대-동경대 연례 심포지엄 <저널리즘과 미디어 연구의 새로운 방향>

일자 2010.10.21-22

서울대-동경대 연례 심포지엄 <저널리즘과 미디어 연구의 새로운 방향: New Directions in Journalism and Media Studies>

□ 일시 / 장소 : 2010. 10. 21(목) ~ 22(금) / 희관기념홀

□ 주최 : 언론정보학과 BK21사업단, 언론정보연구소

□ 발표 및 토론



Opening Remark           Sugmin YOUN (Department of Communication, SNU)

Congratulatory Address  Hidetaka ISHIDA (The Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, UT)

SESSION I                          Chairperson               Shunya YOSHIMI (UT)

Presentation1           Eun-mee KIM (SNU) 

Exploring the relationship between Internet literacy and family background:  Is literacy inherited?

Presentation2           Shigeto SONODA (UT) 

Emerging socio-cultural approaches to Asian regional integration research

Discussant1          Joong-seek LEE (SNU)

Discussant2          Sung Gwan PARK (SNU)

SESSION II                          Chairperson              June Woong RHEE, (SNU)

Presentation1          Márcio Labes FUKUDA 

When news goes mobile: Effects of innovation on the gatekeeping of content for mobile phones by Japanese

Presentation2          Ju Hyun LEE        

Exploring SNS as a news platform

Presentation3          Ryo OKUBO        

Before photojournalism: Lantern slides of the eruption of Mt. Bandai and the currency of news photography in late nineteenth-century Japan

Presentation4          Ming AI                

Sporting nationalism on Korean and Chinese Internet: A content analysis of BBS posts on the 2010 winter Olympics

Presentation5          Satoshi NARIHARA        

“Indirect regulation” of online speech: A case study of regulation of materials harmful to minors in Japan

Presentation6          Soo Yun SHIN        

Internet for the Internationals: Effects of Internet use motivations on International students' college adjustment

Presentation7          Ja-Young NAM         

Media use and nationalistic attitude: A cross-national research in East Asia

SESSION III                  Chairperson                      Eun-Ju LEE (SNU)

Presentation1          Sang Hyuk LEE                

A study on aggressiveness in MMORPG play : Party playing and aggressiveness

Presentation2          Jinhee LEE        

‘Zainichi’ and Korean : A discussion on the identity and language of J-Koreans

Presentation3          Nami OHI        

An analysis of the emergence of a haiku system from the perspective of neocybernetics

Presentation4          Hana LEE        

A longitudinal study on the relation between adolescents' computer use type and their deviant behaviors, the deviance in cyberspace

Presentation5          Gukchin SONG        

Negotiating Identities: Passengers and state surveillance on the Kanpu Ferry during the interwar period of imperial Japan (1918-1937)

Presentation6          So-Eun LEE        

Body as text: A study of the changing perspectives on human body in the digital era


SESSION IV        Chairperson        Sugmin YOUN (SNU)

Presentation1        Kaori HAYASHI (UT)         

Emerging socio-cultural approaches to Asian regional integration research

Presentation2        Kyusup  HAN (SNU)        

Cross-national  differences in political information:  A media systems perspective

Discussant1        Seung-Mock YANG (SNU)

Discussant2        Jae Chul SHIM (Korea Univ.)